
Metropole, 2007 (B. Ganter, Director/Writer)

METROPOLE is a feature documentary that looks at social class in America by exposing the interconnectedness resulting from urban living. This is a documentary with neither interviews, nor dialogue: only images, sounds and music to express the everyday moments of a unique, yet familiar reality.

Each of the characters represents the layered diversity found in the global city. What at first appear like unrelated, individual actions are connected by the complex economic and social relationships inherent to an urban consumer culture that compartmentalizes human activity.

Metropole poster/postcard with film credits.

By combining beautiful cinematography, with an original, poetic musical score composed by Michael Hebert the complexity of our interdependence with one another in a post-modern and post-industrial economic climate is revealed. The purpose of the documentary is to highlight the contrasting social positions of consumer versus producer, positions that we all occupy, and to defamiliarize the everyday activities of work and rest.

Shot and produced in Seattle, WA and Vancouver, BC, the film was released in 2007.  It features tracks from Füxa, Esmerine (Ex-Godspeed You! Black Emperor), múm, AMM, mus-ok, Specs One, Joy Wants Eternity, Blue Scholars and others. 

Metropole screened at the London International Film Festival in the British Museum and the Salento Film Festival.

Copyright, Brian Ganter, 2018.

Short Works

  • Cinema in the Sign(Age): Aesthetic (Un)Accountability (1993) 10:30 min. Screened at Schaeffer Auditorium at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.
  • Jaime Ferran: The Generation of 1950 (1994) 50:00 min. Screened at and Commissioned by Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
  • Editor of Medical and Surgical Footage, State University of New York at Buffalo